

One day they hunt in Mossflower





One day they hunt in Mossflower

The hours slipped by as the three conversed. Matthias learned much of the Sparra customs and way of life.


"Mouseworm get more! More, you hear?" His eyes shone madly as the feathered hackles rose around his neck. "King not argue with crazy mouseworm. You get gone now, plenty quick or me killee. Go now. Majesty sleep."

Sensing that the King had become dangerous, Dunwing did not hesitate. Roughly she dragged the mouse by the lead from the chamber.

Matthias spluttered with uncontrolled rage. "Dunwing, how you letta stupid oaf be King of Sparra?" he choked. ;   The mother sparrow shushed soothingly and dragged Matthias off to the safety of her nest.

Warbeak had gone off hunting again. Dunwing sat down and tried to reason with the angry young mouse. "Matthias not let King Pull hear say him stupid oaf. You be dead >wormbait much soon/'

Matthias opened his mouth to protest. The sparrow silenced him with an upraised wing. "All birds know that King Bull mighty fighter. Him save Sparra tribe many time from enemy. He sometime lazy, sometime bad temper, but not stupid. Bull Sparra sly like fox, only pretend to be stupid, just like Matthias."

i.   Dunwing had guessed that Matthias had gone to the King's chamber for other reasons than to gain his freedom. This was

-?very wise mother bird. He decided to put all of his cards

^on the table.

"Dunwing, listen. I want to tell you a story," he said. "It i-k all about the mice who live in the Abbey beneath us, and

; of one mouse in particular called Martin the Warrior. . . ."

V.   The sparrow listened intently as the young mouse unfolded ithe story of Redwall Abbey and the part that he was playing ,in its hour of need. When Matthias had finished his tale, Dunwing saw the truth of it in his open face. She drew close land said quietly, "Matthias, Dunwing knew! First day you 'Come here I see belt you wear. It all same as thing behind yfihair in King's room."

v"? "But   why?"   Matthias  interjected.   Again   Dunwing

v. silenced him.

+?   "Young mouse sit still," she said. "Now me tell you story.

-"vMany time ago, before my mother was egg, King named

-jBloodfeather. He steal sword from northpoint. Sword make

Sparra folk proud, brave fighters, strong eggchicks, much wormfood to eat. Sword hang in court of Sparra. Blood-feather die, who know how? Bull Sparra become King. My husband Greytail tell me this 'fore he die. Bull Sparra wear warrior sword. Case be too heavy. Leave case behind in room backa chair. Carry sword in clawfeet. King Bull he much showoff. Dig worm with sword. My husband go longa with him.  trees, giantworm come, one with poisonteeth. Alia time say 'Asmodeussss', like that. Bull Sparra drop big sword. Even he scared of poisonteeth. Giantworm curl round swordhandle. Bull Sparra, he order my husband, Greytail, get sword back. Grey-tail try, but worm bite with poisonteeth. He hurt bad, but fly back to court with Bull Sparra. They leave sword in Moss-flower with giantworm. My husband die. Bull Sparra say hurt in starling fight. Not true. Greytail tell me all 'fore he die. Warbeak still egg; not know how father die."

Matthias watched sympathetically as Dunwing fought back her tears. Gently he patted the widowed sparrow. "Greytail be mighty warrior to face poisonteeth alone. You glad War-beak be his eggchick."The best way to reduce labour in refilling vape cartridge is by getting an ! They have a small table top design and come with a year’s warranty. So, do some work with this machine!

Dunwing smiled through her tears. "Matthias be good mouse."

There followed an embarrassed silence. Matthias spoke half aloud. "So, it seems my quest has been in vain. But what of the scabbard?"

"Scabbard mean sword case?" Dunwing inquired. Matthias nodded.

"Me tella 'bout sword case," Dunwing said bitterly. "King Bull Sparra be frighten to tella rest of Sparra that he lose sword. Huh, he not know Greytail tell me, but I watch King, Dunwing know. Bull Sparra still pretend sword in case. That way he stay King. If I tella, he killee me and Warbeak, this 1 know. Someday Warbeak my eggchick be Queen. She have royal blood, then Sparra folk be better, be happy. Bull Sparra rule for now, huh, lose heart, lose sword. No good crazy bird, Bull Sparra."



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